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  • Betsy P

Blackberries 2017

Well the blackberries have started in earnest so it is time to start logging production and get out the sugar, lemon juice. gel, as well as the bottles and canner.

Using the cup to kg conversion form 2016: 1 kg = 2 qts = 8 cups, so each pint is 250 grams; each cup is 125 g. I 'll keep track of daily pick in kg - just easier to measure, and then convert to pints at the end of the year.

That should make it a lot easier to keep track of yield. Tom has decided to pick every 2-3 days because the yield isn't like last year. Also it seems like when I checked the dates - the blackberries started about 2 weeks earlier. Weird summer.

Total 2017 production so far - 725 g

Date Cups Pick Running Total (kg)

7/1/2017 1 cup 125 g .125

7/3/2017 2 cups 250 g .750

7/5/2017 511 g 1.261

7/9/2017 1241 g 2.502

7/12/2017 1722 g 4.224

7/18/2017 1680 g 5.904

7/24/2017 760 g 6.664

8/20/2017 963 g 7.627

THe garden took over my life and I know I missed some blackberries - I was just trying to do everything I could to process them. Need to come up with a stop gap method for next year.

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